Awareness Campaigns
The Dirty House
Published on Tuesday February 16th, 2021
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Video Link : Campaign #10 - The Dirty House
Campaign #10: The Dirty House
- What if we appreciate everything she does for us?
- The glowing look of a husband when he comes home is worth more to a woman than all material goods. (Rav Shalom Arush)
- The definition of love is the pleasure that we find in highlighting our fellow’s qualities (Rav Noach Weinberg Z”L)
- A man must always honor his wife; the blessing of the home depends on it. (Talmud)
Script: Michael Sapir
Shooting and editing: Ruben Journo
Production: Binyamin Benhamou and Leah Nabet
Actors (in order): Elie and Shoshana Hadjadj