Awareness Campaigns
Having a Jew Get Up From His Seat at Shul
Published on Tuesday September 24th, 2019
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Video Link : Campaign #1 Having a Jew get up from his seat at Shul
Campaign #1: Having a Jew Get Up From His Seat at Shul
- The seat that we have is the one that we give.
- No act of humiliation can be justified. One word can take away an entire generation from Torah.
- It is forbidden to make a newcomer get up from his seat in shul (Piskei Teshuvot 90,24).
- He who humiliates his fellow, his prayer is not answered (Ari zal).
Script: David Seroussi
Produced by: Binyamin Benhamou
Technical Supervising and Video Editing: Ruben Journo
Location: Shul Sha’agat Aryeh, Ramot 06, Jerusalem
Acknowledgements: Leah Nabet, Rav Gabriel Dayan
Father and son: Avraham Coopmans & Aharon Benhamou
The one who makes the father get up: Yitzchak Kouhana
Featuring: Binyamin Benhamou, Shmuel Kessous, Ephraim Melloul, Philippe Steboun, Moshe Loulou, Shlomo Kessous, Jonathan Berdah, Emmanuel Zaoui