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Biography of Rav Gabi KRUSKAL

Rabbi Gabi Kruskal studied 8 years at Yeshivat Mir in Jerusalem, under the guidance of Hagaon Rabbi Asher Arieli . He then received his semicha from Hagaon Rabbi Yizchack Berkovitz of the Jerusalem Kollel (where he currently teaches), and also from the Badatz and the Rabbanut. He has been giving popular shiurim for over 10 years to groups of both men and women in various neighbourhoods around Jerusalem.Additionally he gives shiurim on a daily basis at the Jerusalem Kollel where he also serves as a Rosh Chabura, and in local seminaries.He also speaks internationally giving halacha shiurim in the England and the United States.

Classes List (69)

Peeling an Orange on Shabbat

Friday December 3th, 2021
Halacha Time video

When Should One Recite the Selichot?

Thursday November 4th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Affixing Mezuzot After a Move

Thursday October 28th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Can I Make a Bat Mitzvah Celebration for My Daughter?

Tuesday October 26th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Why Do We Need to Do Netilat Yadaim Before Eating Bread?

Monday October 25th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Giving an Electric Toy to My Baby on Shabbat

Friday October 22th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Putting Milky and Meaty Products on the Same Table

Monday October 18th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Can I Pray with a Baby in my Arms?

Thursday October 14th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Eating Fish and Milk Together

Wednesday October 6th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Do We Have to Judge Everyone Favorably ?

Monday September 27th, 2021
Halacha Time video

My Father and my Husband Have the Same Name, Is It a Problem?

Wednesday September 15th, 2021
Halacha Time video

The Laws of Mayim Acharonim

Monday September 13th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Returning My Bowl of Chicken Soup to the Pot on Shabbat

Thursday September 9th, 2021
Halacha Time video

What Are the 7 Conditions to Speak Lashon Hara?

Monday September 6th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Can One Attend a Show Given by a Magician?

Wednesday September 1st, 2021
Halacha Time video

Fast of the17th of Tammuz: Customs and Laws

Sunday August 29th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Meaty Fork in a Milky Drawyer

Thursday August 26th, 2021
Halacha Time video

After Blessings on Cakes

Tuesday August 24th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Leaving a Soup Pot on an Exposed Flame on Shabbat

Friday August 20th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Bracha on a Fruit Cocktail

Tuesday August 17th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Opening the Door of a Dryer on Shabbat

Friday August 13th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Do I Have to Respect My Father's Wife?

Tuesday August 10th, 2021
Halacha Time video

How Does One Prepare an Eruv Tavshilin?

Wednesday July 14th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Is One Obligated to Do Motzi on Shabbat?

Friday June 11th, 2021
Halacha Time video

I Am Late for the Morning Prayer… What Should I Do?

Wednesday June 9th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Chazara: Why Do We Repeat the Amida?

Tuesday June 8th, 2021
Halacha Time video

Publications List (1)

Washing Oneself During the 9 Days Before Tisha B’Av

Sunday July 26th, 2020
Halacha Time Account

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Candle Lighting Candle Lighting - New York

Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *
Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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