Torah-Box & You
Urgent: Help 12 Orphans Who Lost Their Father Due to a...
Jerusalem, June 27th 2018Dear friends,We would like to appeal to your generosity for a pressing matter which greatly moved us.Moshe is a young 22-year-old man, the 6th...
Ten Recommendations on Health by Rabbi Steinman z”l
1.A young Bahur (yeshiva student) having to undergo difficult and life-threatening surgery, addressed a question to Rav Aharon Leib Steinman: "How could he strengthen...
Torah-Box is coming to Florida!
Torah-Box is coming to Florida! Join us as we discuss Torah-Box’s involvement in bringing Jews back to their roots. For more information, please email...
Tefila of The Shelach Hakadosh
Rabbi Isaiah Halevi Horowitz, nicknamed the “Shelach Hakadosh”, wrote a magnificent prayer so that Hashem would bless couples with descendants faithful to...
Watch out! Torah-Box WhatsApp Group switches its phone...
Sign up for WhatsApp messages from Torah-Box Click here: www.torah-box.net/whatsapp and tap the number to add it to your contacts. 1. Save the contact as 'Torah-Box.
Join Torah-Box on WhatsApp!
WhatsApp allows nearly one billion people to communicate for free through their mobile phone. Connect your phone to Torah! Join Torah-Box on WhatsApp! Join...
Ten Recommendations on Health by Rabbi Steinman z”l
1. A young Bahur (yeshiva student) having to undergo difficult and life-threatening surgery, addressed a question to Rav Aharon Leib Steinman: "How...
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Weekly Parsha
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *Shabbat ends at 19:59 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community