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The Bus Driver Who Fought the Terrorist

Published on Tuesday January 5th, 2021

Herzl was a deeply believing man who kept Torah and Mitzvot. He was the grandson of Rabbi Messod Ben Shabbat, who prayed in the same synagogue as the Baba Sale in Morocco.

He had been working as a bus driver in Israel for more than 28 years. Regular travelers of the line knew him well, he was almost one of their loved ones. He cared for everyone, a bit like a Father on a bus.

On the morning of the tragic attack, Herzl went to work as usual. "The supervisor just asked me to come a little early because of a colleague who was away. I began work at 6:47 instead of 6:52. At the third station an Orthodox woman pushing a stroller with twins got on the bus. This lady traveled every morning with her two children. Usually, her husband accompanied her, but that morning he had already gone to Yeshiva. So, I got off the bus to help her carry her stroller onto the bus, and I began to drive once I saw her sitting. I continued my journey as usual, through the Rothschild Avenue to the highway station."

"A young man got on at the station of the national electricity company. He did not have an especially Oriental appearance; he had gel in his hair and he looked very normal. Nothing special. He did not manage to put money into the ticket machine and he started pressing all the buttons. I asked him why he was getting so angry and he muttered some incomprehensible words. I thought that he might be deaf or dumb. I calmed him down and helped him purchase a ticket. He then sat himself down behind me."

Herzl continued to drive, while occasionally checking what was going on, on the bus, as usual.  As he arrived near the Maariv crossroad, he found that all traffic was blocked. Suddenly, he lifted up his head and he realized that the terrorist was stabbing him.

"At the moment, I did not understand what was going on," Herzl said. I thought that he was upset about my remarks when he was trying to purchase a ticket. I did not realize that he was a terrorist. He had already stabbed me, but I did not feel any pain. My white shirt was completely covered in blood. After attacking me, he moved from seat to seat screaming "Allah Hou Akbar!" He stabbed anyone who was in his way. In the chaos, I did not lose myself. I was trying to stop the bus, and I was trying to think about how to neutralize the terrorist."

"Herzl, do what I tell you"

Herzl saw behind the bus a patrol car belonging to the prison administration, and he tried to get noticed by zigzagging the bus and flashing the hazard lights. They understood immediately that something was happening, but they failed to overtake the bus. Meanwhile, terror reigned on the bus for nearly 5 minutes, with the terrorist stabbing at all costs. When Herzl saw him approach the mother and her twins, he realized that he had to react but he did not know what to do. "I saw the lady trying to protect her children by shouting "Shema 'Israel". That is when I suddenly got a vision. I saw my brother in front of me. We were raised as twins, with only eleven months difference. His death after a long illness affected me a lot. He died in my arms, asking me to watch over his children. My brother addressed me: "Herzl, do what I am going to tell you, and you will see that the terrorist will come to you". I told him that I could not move because I was very hurt. He said "I'm going to help you." For the moment, activate the emergency stop to stop the bus and the sudden stop will propel the terrorist to the front of the bus. Do not let him get away, hit him to get hold of him. " I braked suddenly, and the guy literally flew to me from the back of the bus. I opened the doors and the passengers ran out at full speed. That's when I fought with the terrorist until he got out of the bus. And even outside I continued to hit him until he stopped moving."

Despite his injuries and the blood that he had lost, Herzl continued to fight with the terrorist until he was exhausted. When the security forces were finally in control of the situation, Herzl trembled with all his body and he felt terribly cold. At that moment he thought his last hour had arrived. He warned his children when he was on his way to the hospital. "Everything depends on G-d and His Tzaddikim," he told them on the phone. G-d will watch over me. I trust that I will survive.'' he reassured them.

"A superior force watched over me"

Herzl is aware that he had benefited from a special protection at every moment of this terrible adventure. Even when he arrived at the hospital, he had an extraordinary spiritual experience. During his surgery, he heard his Neshama converse with those of his deceased relatives. "I saw in front of me a tunnel and a yellow flash, and my parents who were trying to get me out of the tunnel at all costs. I asked them why they were pushing me, when I wanted to take advantage of being with them. They told me that my time had not arrived, that I still had to marry off my children. It was as though I wanted to restore my soul to the Creator, but it was not yet time."

"I thank the Master of the World, may His name be blessed," said Herzl with emotion. I ask everyone to sanctify Hashem's name as much as possible. A superior force protected me in all these events. G-d wished me to stay alive, and sent me my brother for that."

"I was between life and death. Today thank G-d my condition is improving. Yesterday I left the hospital to begin my rehabilitation. On leaving the reeducation center, I recited the blessing of Hagomel and I made a meal of thanksgiving to G-d in the presence of Rabbanim, to sanctify His name. Maybe it was part of my Tikun to be on the bus and to be able to assist the passengers. But the true hero is the Master of the world. I was only his emissary. "

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