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Rav Ovadia: ''The Little Girl Will Walk on her Legs''

Published on Tuesday June 4th, 2019

I want to share with you something that affects me immensely even now since Rav Ovadia is no longer part of this world.

I entered the world 26 years ago. A disease called "Spina Bifida" (congenital malformation that affects the muscular functions ...) was discovered in my body.

My mother and father asked the doctors what the disease was, and what they should do. The reaction of the doctors in main hospitals in Israel like Hadassah Ein Kerem, Shaarei Tzedek, Assota, Ichilov, and others was: "the little girl will never be able to walk on her legs, she will remain in a wheelchair!"

After 7 months of hospitalization, operations, and unpleasant tests in the hospital, I was joined - in my department – by the granddaughter of Rav Ovadia Yosef. My father discussed my case with the Rav, and we were able to visit him for a blessing. The Rav put his hand over my head and blessed me. After that, he said to my father and my mother, "The little girl will walk on her legs..." He added not to name me yet. He said that he thought the miracle would happen when I would be around 4 or 5 years old, and so it was. At the age of 4, the miracle began, and I began to crawl. During those days, I was given the name of Liad ("Li-la'ad" "for me forever"). Since then, I walk, I go, I do, I make acquaintances, and I even became a wife, and all this in good health, thank G-d ... When a Tzaddik decrees, G-d approves his request! Happy are we who deserved to live in the generation of this Giant!

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