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Hilula of the Chazon Ish

Published on Wednesday December 2nd, 2020

For the Yahrzeit (anniversary of passing), tonight, of our master the Chazon Ish, the Torah-Box team is delighted to offer you a very brief insight of his life journey. The Tsaddik will pray for those who speak of him on the day of his Yartzeit! Light a candle and say “Lichvod Chazon Ish, zechouto tagen aleinou” and then pray. May his merit protect all of the Klal Yisrael, Amen!

Rav Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz, most commonly known by the name of Chazon Ish, was a very modest man. After his marriage, he lived in a village called Kavidian.

The father of the Chazon Ish, Rabbi Yosef, was the Rav of Kosiv. His brother and brother-in-law were great Talmidei Chachamim, Torah scholars. His sustenance came from his wife’s income, who was a shop manager, which enabled him to assiduously study Torah.

In 1911, his first book was released. He would thereafter write twenty-three books of Halacha. Each one of his books carries the name of “Chazon Ish”, his name was hidden behind the letters ‘Aleph – Yud – Shin’ (which make up the name “Ish”), which are in fact the initials of his first names, Avraham Yeshaya. All his books were created in his hometown.

Before moving to Israel in 1933, he was considered as one of the “hidden righteous ones”.

His brother-in-Law,  Rav Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky Zatsal, saw that he knew the entire Talmud in a clear and precise way.

After the First World War, he moved to the city of Vilnius, where his greatness was recognized by all. The residents particularly liked Rabbi Chaim Grodzinski, who was the spiritual leader of his generation, and took counsel from the Chazon Ish regarding questions of halacha, as well as community-related problems.

He was equally in contact with the Chofetz Chaim, Rabbi Israel Meir Hakohen.

In Jerusalem lived a Jew learned in Torah who had been doing Teshuva many years ago. His close relatives claim that he truly feared G-d and that he succeeded in all domains. All that he undertook was a success. This man was called Rabbi Baruch Heymann. He recently explained what led to his success.  May his words be engraved in our hearts and may we understand the strength and power of Tefillah.

This story took place at the time of the creation of the state, under Ben Gurion’s government. At the time, the education minister, called Zalman Aran, was close to David Ben Gurion.

This very man, who was not Shomer Shabbat, had nevertheless a wife who made sure she lit candles on Friday night and at the same time prayed for her sons to succeed like… David Ben Gurion, who was the man that her husband, the education minister, respected and venerated the most.

One day, the Prime Minister and the Chazon Ish met to discuss the subject of the enrolment of young Yeshiva students into the army.

Upon his return, Ben Gurion told his friend, Zalman Aran, that he had been impressed by the presence and intelligence of the Chazon Ish, and that he could see in him a person of great importance, and of remarkable conduct.

When he got home, Zalman told his wife about the meeting between the two men and the impression that the Chazon Ish had made on Ben Gurion. His wife listened and suddenly said that if Ben Gurion had been so impressed by this man and had seen such greatness in him, it means that he could deduce that he was greater than him…

She henceforth prayed for her sons to become like the Chazon Ish: and this is what she prayed for wholeheartedly on the following Shabbat.

I, Rav Heymann, am the author of this story and the grandson of Zalman Aran.

The prayers of this same grandmother, who was nonetheless not one of the thirty-six hidden righteous ones of her generation, bore fruit after several years and brought me back to Torah and Mitzvot, which have given me the strength to succeed.

With this story, we can see the importance and the strength of sincere Tefila coming from the bottom of the heart, Tefila which can be done by anyone, as we say in the prayer, “For You, You listen (and answer) the prayers from every mouth.”

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