Jewish Thinking
The Three Anti-Happiness Barriers
How can we live a happy life? we ask ourselves. But alas, no one has an answer! Only an echo coming from some human beings is heard saying; there is no happy life! We may ask ourselves if that is the case, why did Hashem create a world in which everyone suffers? But that does not happen.
Indeed, it is written, "Olam Chesed Yibaneh" "The world is built by kindness" (Psalms 89,3). We can ask our question again. If that is the case, where is the place for happiness, that the good Lord, who does good, who is the Source of all kindness, has prepared for man? It is clear that, on the one hand, the world is filled with suffering, but on the other hand, it is obvious that there are ways to avoid the terrible misfortunes that have fallen on the world and its creatures and access the coveted happiness. However, to answer this existential question, we must introspect the depths of the soul, and not in a superficial way, generally driven by our senses and our desires.
Let us Bring an Example
A cat stands in front of a glass of milk and wants to drink it. But, next to the glass of milk stands a man holding a stick in his hand. What can the cat do? It remains in place, motionless. It does not go forward towards the glass of milk, or back, fearing man and his stick. Shall we say that the cat is a philosopher? In fact, it has two choices in front of its eyes and its cat-like mind. The first choice is to enjoy the milk while suffering from the blow of the stick, or the second choice is to give up the milk because it does not want to suffer in favour of the enjoyment of the moment. A difficult dilemma for this cat, but here is the answer: no! The cat is not a philosopher. It is only a cat.
Two natural forces, created by the Master of the world, a clash within the cat; the power of desire that drives it to the milk, and the power of fear that drives it to leave the place of danger. Hence it is immobility! If one of the forces were to outweigh the other, the cat would move according to the stronger force, which would push it to act. In short, the cat acts only according to its natural instincts.
We, human beings, have free will, we exercise our judgment to know how to act, after activating our brain.
As an introduction to the wonderful system that will bring happiness to all of us, we will answer our initial question. The reason for the absence of a life of happiness in this world is explained by our Sages.
The Mishna tells us in the treatise of Avot: "Jealousy, lust and honour, hasten the death of man" (Avot 4, 21). In fact, the Creator has created a world of happiness, but with our own hands, we have driven ourselves out of this world of happiness and entered "using our free will" a world of suffering and hardship. We have introduced into our hearts these three harmful forces, that our Sages and Mussar Sages qualified as "bad Middot" or "destructive middot"; jealousy, lust and the pursuit of honour.
Happiness in the world of the Creator is only possible when man expels from his heart these three destructive Middot - jealousy, lust and the search of honour, which are the greatest obstacles to attain happiness.
3 Destructive Forces
These three forces that reside in the heart of man are those that incite action driven by instinct, without using the mind. They are the ones that create an unsettled spirit, tension, arguments and quarrels, harassment, competition, sadness, nervousness, difficulties in managing everyday life, and confusion in making decisions and acting hastily. In addition, they affect the body, mind, and immunity of man. As the Mishnah states: "They precipitate the death of man".
The tension generated by these forces ultimately eliminate the serenity, enjoyment and happiness that man thought to achieve. What does this resemble?
A man observes a river and notices the tranquillity that emanates from it. The river flows easily, the water is clear, it has the strength to carry large boats, and it brings great blessings to everything that surrounds it.
Now, when obstacles are placed along its path, then the river overflows, breaks all the barriers, engulfs entire cities and all that comes in its way. It overturns boats, and all its positive characteristics turn into a curse - it becomes a "natural disaster"! This is the parable. Let us now turn to live.
As long as man exercises control of his mind over his heart, he will be able to drive out the power of the destructive Middot of jealousy, lust and the pursuit of honour that lie in his heart. His life will be peaceful, his heart will beat normally, he will be calm and serene, he will possess positive forces and be ready to do good.
Happiness Is So Close!
But when he places blockades in heart, that of jealousy, lust and the pursuit of honour, man breaks all barriers. We will not expand this point, because unfortunately, each of us will have many examples.
The world is full of suffering! If so, let's go back to our original question: where is happiness in the world? Where is Gan Eden? Is this accessible?
Know my friends that happiness is close to us, and the key to Gan Eden is hanging before us: "G-d took a man and placed him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and to heal "(Bereshit 2, 16).
Take this key to open the doors of the Garden of Eden and access a life of happiness. We just have to enter the garden - "to cultivate and heal", accompanied by a prayer to the Master of the world for our success!
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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