Jewish Thinking
Rav Lasry's Advice to Go Through Every Struggle with Happiness
Rav Michael Lasry, one of the greatest names of the world of Teshuvah in Israel, strengthens the Jewish people with his powerful ideas about Emunah (trust in G-d) and joy. Despite the painful family tragedy that he experienced when his 21-year-old son, Shimon Yochai, lost his life in a drowning accident, he continues his lectures on trust in G-d.
"Since the death of my dear son, on Shavuot, I visited 30 houses of people in mourning, reported Rav Lasry during an interview on the radio Kol Chai. I said to everyone, "Hallel is to be recited to the Creator, He knows exactly what He is doing, G-d only wants our good."
Rav Lasry then went on to give particular advice through which one can deal with all the trials of this world. "When a man knows how to distinguish between intellect and feelings, he can live his whole life in joy and good humor," says Rav Lasry.
The radio producer, unable to restrain himself, asked him: "Rav, in spite of everything, do you not have moments of sadness at times?" The Rav answered: "You must know that when the feelings are there, you should let the tears flow, and then continue. We have to know this. Those who collapse allow the Yetzer Hora to take control of them."
"My son died on Shavuot, when we read in the Haftara, "Reni Vesamchi", ''be happy and cheerful", that is to say, that we must continue and rejoice. The Rav stopped for a moment and then said: "Anyone who has experienced such a case knows that it accompanies them at every moment, in every place, but you have to know how to shed tears and then get up again. We are happy people. Even when the month of Av begins, we do not stop to be joyful. It is written that one decreases the joy. We continue to rejoice, but we decrease the volume. The destruction of the Temple! Thousands of victims! How is it possible to rejoice? Nevertheless, we continue to rejoice. We reduce joy. Joy – that is what defines the Jewish people."
Rav Lasry compares the ordeals in this world to a plane caught in an air hole. "You know, when there is an air hole in an airplane, it is scary. Everyone is shaking. But a man saw, through the air hole, while everyone was shaking, a little girl continuing to draw as if nothing had happened. He asked her, "How come you're not afraid?" And the little girl answered; "My father is the pilot, I trust him". We have a Father who is a pilot, we just have to rely on G-d, He wants only our good and knows exactly what He does."
The Rav goes on to describe the person he admires most: "I have the highest admiration for my wife, the Rebbetzin. She has risen above our challenge, and she is now organizing a women's trip to Ukraine with a Hafrashat Challa and prayers at the graves of Tzaddikim. We must go forward, live, and do everything with joy and happiness."
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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