Jewish Thinking
Prince William and Kate Play Their Role Well
Prince William and Duchess Kate are the symbol in the Western media of a perfect couple. They are beautiful, intelligent, rich, friendly, and above all, happy. This is apparent at least superficially. But countless celebrity couples (such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie), who presented a perfect, brilliant image on the outside, proved, in fact, that they simply refrain from airing your dirty laundry in public. But one element separates and differentiates this royal couple from other celebrities.
Unlike other couples who publicly display tenderness, the royal couple does not hold hands or show signs of affection in public, which raises questions and is surprising, knowing that they look like a loving, happy couple.
It seems that the answer is simple. In an interview with People magazine, Myra Meyer, coach of etiquette and politeness, explains that, contrary to popular belief, no official rule forbids the royal family from showing public signs affection, but the reason that they abstain from doing so is... politeness.
''Indeed, even on a trip to India, technically, the couple is on duty. They are the representatives of the British monarchy'', explains Meyer. The couple tries as much as possible to avoid showing signs of tenderness and closeness to each other to maintain their professionalism when traveling abroad. "
A few hours before I read Meyer's words, I saw an Orthodox couple walking down the street, hand in hand. This rather rare scene caught my attention, but not for long. I continued my journey and reflected on other topics, like the state of my bank account, and the state of my second bank account.
But while reading this article I deepened my reflection. It is true that it is a forbidden gesture, which betrays a lack of modesty, but the Halacha does not forbid us without reason to expose gestures of tenderness in public.
Kate and Prince William understood for themselves that these gestures were not forbidden to them. But they take their role seriously, they represent the monarchy, and at work you have to behave properly, not like we are at home.
We also play a role in this world. We are the representatives of the Jewish people. We are here to sanctify the Divine Name. And when we are at work, we must behave accordingly. Not like when we are at home.
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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