Jewish Thinking
Prayer and Modesty: Two Weapons for Protecting the Home
Many sorrowful and painful periods are inscribed in the chronicles of our People. Waves of bitter trials have crushed our People. More than once, we have been hurt and left shattered by terrible misfortunes which have befallen our People.
Communism and the Haskala (assimilation movement) comprise a non-exhaustive list of ideologies that slipped through the boundaries of our community. Many fell into their cracks - with the exception of a few.
Who managed to escape the throes of assimilation, a fire which spread unto the streets, sparing only a few homes? How did some homes get spared?
These homes were characterized by the image of a scholarly father, whose face radiated from the study of Torah. Moreover, the mother did her part to resist outside influences and preserve the holy atmosphere of the home.
Indeed, a Jewish mother is exempt from the obligation to study the Torah and from the accomplishment of many Mitzvot. Her connection with the Creator is direct and she reflects that connection by filling her house with holiness.
This special connection to Hashem insulates a home from the street atmosphere and its trends. Thanks to it, the luminescence of holiness, love for the Torah, and the joy of observing Mitzvot permeate the sincere belief that each home must be made into an altar for the dwelling of the Divine Presence. In this ideal environment, children who combine greatness with fear of God and good character traits blossom. They are trained to enlighten the world with Torah and good deeds.
How Does One Manage to Cultivate and Reflect This Reality?
The essence of a woman's role is manifested in two central areas which turn the mirror of her reality towards the Creator: prayer and modesty (tzniut).
Prayer creates a direct link between her and Hashem.
The Talmud mentions that women took nine out of ten measures of “conversation”' (which descended upon the world) and are thus experts in the power of speech. The term “conversation”, (sicha) refers to prayer, as the verse (Bereshit 24, 63) states "... pray (lasuach) in the fields". The woman has the aptitude to use prayer constantly and in so doing, come closer and closer to her Creator.
She prays and speaks to Hashem throughout her most mundane daily actions: may the dough she kneads rise, may her children be healthy, may her husband succeed, etc. Thereby, she connects with Her Father in Heaven through an indestructible bond, cultivated by the power of speech.
Modesty helps her protect her home from foreign influences and insulate her environment from outside trends, inappropriate language, and indecorous behavior.
She only steps out the door to provide for her home’s needs. In this way, even when she does go out, she keeps her close bond with God and makes herself a vessel for His light. She radiates this light between the walls of her home.
A woman who succeeds in harnessing the power of her “'mirror” and directs it towards the Creator, feels an immediate upsurge of strength and light, which permeates her home and creates a ripple effect in her home and family.
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 7th, 2025 at 17:36 *Shabbat ends at 18:36 *
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