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Jewish Thinking

‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏‏Hashem, Why this Day that has Gone Wrong?

Published on Sunday January 3th, 2021

Yesterday, I had a terrible day, it was unbearable. I decided to speak to Hashem directly.

Me: G-d, can I ask you a question?

Hashem: Of course.

Me: You promise me not to get upset?

Hashem: Do not be afraid.

Me: Why did you give me such a terrible day?

Hashem: What are referring to?

Me: Everything started badly: I got up late.

Hashem: Yes…

Me: My car did not start because the battery was flat, and I had to look for someone to help me with the cables.

Hashem: OK.

Me: At lunch, they brought me the wrong dish, and so they had to correct my order, and when they finally brought me the dish, my break was over, and I had to get up from the table without eating.

Hashem: Okay, then ...?

Me: When I came out of the office, and I wanted to answer my cell phone, it fell from my hands and smashed on the ground. Then, when I got home, I was planning to use my new foot massage machine, but guess what ... when I opened the box, I found out that it came without an electrical cable.

Hashem: I understand.

Me: Then, I couldn’t access the website because my password was not recognized!

Hashem: I mean, actually ...

ME: Everything went wrong today, I only had trouble! Why did you do that to me, Hashem...?

Hashem: Let me remember...and then I will explain everything to you:

The angel of death came to visit your bed this morning, and I was forced to send My angels to fight him, so during the time that they were chasing him, I had pity on you and I let you sleep. That's why you got up late.

Then, I did not let your car start, because precisely at that time, there was a drunk driver who, was driving back from a party, and he took the path that you take every day for work, and if you had left in time, he would have hurt you.

The restaurant employee who prepared your dish was sick, and if you had caught his illness, you would have missed several days of work, and I know that you cannot afford that.

The person you were about to talk to on the phone wanted to lie to you and cause you great harm, which is why I preferred that your phone should break.

And as for your massage device, the device itself was defective, and if you had connected it to electricity, you would have caused a short circuit all over the house, and you and your family would have been in serious danger of electrocution.

Me: I had not thought about all this, I'm sorry to have doubted you, and not to understand that each event that happens is for a reason.

Hashem: No problem, you must not apologize or thank me. What is important is to have learnt that each event has a reason, and that I have My own way to carry out my plans…

Such conversations occur daily with Hashem, but we never hear His answers. If we listen, we will understand that His ways will become clear to us afterwards.

As Rav Lugassy explains on Torah-Box, when a man is met by several misadventures, he has the possibility of blaming someone else. It is a test to gauge the intensity of his faith and to see how he will react knowing that the Creator leads the world and that all is for the good.

A test is a test when man is weak and not during his days of glory where his conscience is clear. It is precisely in these moments of confusion, when trials beset him, that he is judged on the sincerity of his faith. Will he manage to get up quickly thanks to the serious imprints of his faith and to accept the blow with love?

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