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Jewish Thinking

Denial and its Consequences

Published on Sunday November 15th, 2020

a) Denial refers to the ability to deny a reality and to behave as if it does not exist, although man sees it, more or less clearly. Denial plays a leading role in human behavior and can be adopted by an individual, or a multitude of people. In the latter case, it could be a catalyst for war, as we will explain.

A person may deny an obvious reality when they are faced with an embarrassing situation that they refuse to face for any reason, such as fear, incapacity, laziness or cowardice. When it comes to danger, denial is called burying one's face in the sand. Often, we are not aware of this device; it is carried out in our subconscious. Sometimes, due to being confronted by an unpleasant situation, one more or less admits its existence, but one simultaneously tries to make it disappear.

b) Denial may also be seen with regard to a well-known event in history. Revisionists or deniers deny the Holocaust because they prefer to see Jews as criminals rather than victims. Although there are many proofs of the Holocaust, Holocaust deniers refuse to accept them; and rather see it as a plot created by the Jews. Holocaust deniers then adopt a conspiracy theory, the Zionist Protocols of Zion and other such works, and are hyper-critical of the Holocaust. They prove that the Holocaust never existed; and that those who believe that it did happen are naïve, and that those who claim to be survivors and witnesses are mythomaniacs.

In truth, behind the desire to make the memory of the Shoah disappear, lies a criminal plot. It is no secret that the state of Israel is attacked from all sides by people seeking its disappearance, and the Israelis have no choice but to defend themselves rigorously. But those who busy themselves with anti-Israeli propaganda, seek to conceal aggression, under the pretext of defensive imperatives. The Jews, fearing yet a new Shoah, are described as dangerous and paranoid. In fact, it is precisely the revisionists and others who wish to attack, or possibly annihilate the Jews, by claiming to defend themselves against Jewish aggression. They practice projection, which consists of attributing to others their own unacceptable emotions, ideas or impulses. Hitler also sought to exterminate the Jews, claiming to respond to the danger in which Germany would have been faced with because of the attacks of the Jews.

Much of the Arab-Muslim world denies Jewish history. It is well known that Jews living in Israel are the descendants of their ancestors, who once lived there. It is also known, that for the past 2000 years, the Jews never gave up hope of returning to Israel, and the worst persecutions never made them lose their hope. These facts disturb the Arab-Muslim world, because the Jewish expectation opposes their own aspirations of territorial and religious hegemony; and they thus deny Jewish history. Some claim that the Jews never lived there, and still others claim that the Jews now are not the descendants of these Jews of old, but recent converts. In fact, they imagine the most foolish things in order to justify their aspirations.

c) There could be no atheism without the phenomenon of denial. Indeed, no sensible human being could doubt the existence of G-d. Don't the slightest details of nature portray in a striking manner, G-d's Eternal Existence, His endless Power, His Supreme Intelligence? Doesn't every leaf of a tree, every wing of a butterfly, every petal of a flower make man understand His existence, let alone all the billions of wonders of nature? Denial is an incomprehensible phenomenon, and if we had not met atheists and their ideas, we could never have imagined the quirks and inconsistencies of their imagined accounts.

In truth, atheists seek, consciously or unconsciously, permissiveness. Fearing that a recognition of G-d would not allow them to peacefully follow certain negative impulses, they practice denial and convince themselves to be atheists.

d) The idea we are describing is actually in the Talmud. It explains the irreligiosity of the idolatrous Jews at the time of the first Temple, who did not devote themselves to this worship by conviction, but rather in order to discharge their religious responsibilities:

"The Jews knew that idolatry had no substance, but they did it only to be able to practice immorality in public" (Sanhedrin 63).

This phenomenon was repeated a few centuries later and brought Jews to Christianize themselves. Although he often mystified the reasons for his fight to erase Judaism, Paul, the main founder of Christianity, was nevertheless aware of the practice of denial. It was his desire to flee from the suffering, caused by the conflict between the will not to sin and the fact of not being able to resist carnal appetite, which led him to suppress (from his conscience) the Commandments of the Torah.

"We know, indeed, that the Torah is spiritual; but I am flesh and blood, sold to sin. Because I do not know what I do: I do not do what I want, but I do what I hate... And now it is no longer me who does it, but it is the sin that lives inside me. I know that what is good, does not live inside me, that is to say in my flesh. I have the will, but not the power to do good. I do not do the good that I want, but I do evil that I do not want. And if I do what I do not want, it is no longer me who does it, it is the sin that dwells within me. I find this law within me: when I want to do good, evil is attached to me. For my inner self enjoys the Torah of G-d; but my external limbs fight against the law of my internal understanding, and makes me a captive to sin, which lies in my limbs. Miserable that I am! Who will deliver me from this death? "(Rm 7: 23-24),"Now we have been released from the Law (of the Torah), being dead to this law which we kept..." (Rm 7: 6). Paul then declares with great impertinence that the annoying Torah is obsolete, and reduces the Mitzvot of the Torah to mere allegories...

e) We can observe this same phenomenon for two centuries, how Jews denied their own story, as reported in Tanach. They claim that the Pentateuch, is based on forgery, that it contains fictitious stories, fraudulently attributed to Moshe.

Yet it is obvious that our ancestors were not lunatics who made up stories, and who retroactively invented a religion, in order to overwhelm the people with extremely difficult Laws. Every man of common sense agrees, that the great majority of our people are not made up of demented people who would have been deceived by malignant people. It is indeed the opposite that is clear to all: our people were always composed of intelligent people, and sensible to the highest degree, who faithfully transmitted the events that they experienced, and that their parents transmitted to them. Thus, it is evident that Judaism, as the Jews practice it today, is the same as that practiced a thousand years ago, in antiquity at the time of the Temples, and that was inaugurated by Moshe.

Finally, the so-called atheists, or liberals - who get rid of the religious practice which weighs on them – are denying the truth of the Holy Books and the transmission of Judaism. They follow idolatrous or Christianizing Jews, who once challenged Judaism.

We have already reported that the revisionists not only deny the Holocaust, but also seek to prove that the Holocaust did not exist. Some liberals do the same. They do not content themselves with disregarding the texts of the tradition of Judaism, but they seek, by adhering to biblical criticism, to prove that they are false. This critique, is a primitive and insolent hypercriticism of the transmission of Judaism - which is on the one hand exposed and clearly accessible - and on the other hand, uses a thousand artifices to justify quirky and unjustifiable ideas.

In fact, the denial of Jewish history on the part of the liberal Jews is just like the denial on the part of the Arab-Muslim world, although these Jews may not realize this. Some deny it from the inside of the Jewish people, and others from the outside, but the results are the same, and they cause that G-d protects us, against our own people.

Do these Jews suffer from masochism, do they suffer from the Stockholm syndrome to the point of self-destruction, both religiously and physically?

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