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An Unconscious Mother of A Newborn Wakes Up, Just As Rav Kanievsky Promised

Published on Wednesday October 6th, 2021

An incredible miracle concerning a woman in labor who miraculously woke up after losing consciousness during childbirth was published a few months ago in the newspaper "Yediot Aharonot".

Myriam and her husband arrived in a state of euphoria at Tel Aviv Ichilov Hospital about a month ago. They were on their way to the delivery room to witness the birth of their firstborn son. Soon, what was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives turned into a nightmare. After being admitted into the labor room, Myriam suffered from amniotic embolism, which made her lose consciousness. She endured several resuscitations and was hospitalized for a month.

The couple arrived at the hospital one Shabbat evening. "She was very excited to finally hold the child she was carrying in her arms. She had been anticipating this moment since her bat mitzvah," the husband told the reporter.

The husband described what happened in those difficult moments and said: "She suddenly lost consciousness. It was one of the most terrifying images I ever witnessed. Her eyes turned to the side and her entire body stiffened. I felt as if lightning had struck me. I went out of the labor room and called the doctor; the midwife then called the anesthesiologist. "

According to Myriam's husband, many miracles transpired during this event. "It happened on Shabbat, exactly at the time of the medical personnel shift. So, there was no shortage of available doctors at hand. In addition, her room faced the kitchen, and a group of doctors who had just completed an operation were sitting around, having a snack. So, they were available to immediately rush into her room," tells the husband the Yediot Aharonot reporter.

Myriam was wheeled away to the emergency operating room. While trying to resuscitate her and fighting to save her life, the team delivered her son by Cesarean operation. The baby was immediately rushed to intensive care, connected to a respirator. At this stage of the delicate operation, the medical team was forced to resuscitate her three times.


"I went down to the synagogue, I opened the Aron Hakodesh, I cried, I prayed, and I begged Hakadosh Baruch Hu to save her life," says the husband in tears.

In the days following the operation, Myriam's health continued to deteriorate, and she suffered various medical problems, while family members prayed for her recovery.

Before the Brit Milah, family members hoped Myriam would wake up, but it didn't happen. "I wanted to consult with her about a choice of names to give our son, but she was asleep in a comma. I asked Rav Chaim Kanievsky for advice. We called him Nathan, because Hashem gave me my wife and my son (Nathan means "he gave "in Hebrew) as a gift. God bestowed such great kindness upon us," says the husband.

According to the family, the Gaon Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky supported Myriam's husband throughout the month and assured him that his wife would recover and that she would "emerge from this predicament unscathed".

The family organized Torah prayers and lectures on behalf of Myriam's healing, and Rabbi Chaim declared that if people were spiritually strengthened by this story, everything would be fine. With the help of God, she would quickly heal.

A few days ago, a great miracle happened, Myriam opened her eyes, woke up, and began to come back to us. According to the hospital's statistics, 90% of women with amniotic embolism die, and 75% of those who survive suffer from neurological sequelae, making Myriam a particularly exceptional miracle case.

"In Myriam's case, nothing was impaired," say the doctors in astonishment.

"Her recovery has been incredible. She went through all medical worst-case scenarios and simply resurrected. This is the very first time I witness such a recovery", said Dr. Maslovitch. Amniotic embolism manifests very rarely in childbirth. It occurs once every ten thousand births. "It is impossible to predict or prevent embolism, and in most cases, even to treat it," he declared.

"I forgot everything. I received back the gift of life. I know that not many women survive in similar situations", says Myriam, who is now in recovery.

"I can't remember anything. I thank all those who prayed and took my case to heart. I thank the loyal individuals who committed to strengthen themselves spiritually, as well as all the righteous women who tithed 'Hallah" on my behalf before Shabbat."

"I am very moved, I hope everyone will continue to pray on my behalf and I thank Hashem and everyone for their prayers," says Myriam.

"We received Brachot from all the great Rabbis, Rav Steinmann, Rav Kanievsky, Rav Eliezer Berland. Rav Steinmann said: "She will live," says Myriam moved.

The family requests the public continue praying for Myriam bat Rivka's health and for her complete healing.

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