4 Methods to Overcome Shyness
Shyness is a middah (character trait) which, like many other traits, must be worked on.
A shy person is generally afraid of the judgment of others, has a need to conform and shies away from calling attention to himself.
A shy person may be considered insignificant by his peers because he is unable to express himself and share his skills.
In addition, a shy person could make Halachic mistakes because he is too shy to ask questions in case his doubts need clarification.
It is also necessary to avoid the opposing middah, i.e. a surplus of courage; the latter may generate disdain and contempt by others, which will be manifested in speech or in action.
Mussar study
Write verses that deal with this subject in a notebook and carry it with you, wherever you go.
Keep these reminders at hand and re-read the verses, such as for example: "a shy person cannot learn anything", or "do not be ashamed before those who scoff Divine Service".
Method of ''Cheshbon Nefesh''
To avoid being paralyzed by your shyness, do some thinking in preparation to situations where you will have to speak. Practice possible answers.
Rambam method
Use your imagination to overcome the fear of being judged by others. For example, if you don't dare to pray fervently in public, imagine you are alone in a forest, surrounded by tall trees and vegetation.
Transform a bad trait into a good one
Courage is critical if you are to abide by your religious principles. For example, in regards to kashrut levels or Halacha matters, a shy person will not dare to ask any questions regarding kosher certification.
Turn your fear of people into fear of Hashem and fear of transgressing.
Repair a bad trait with a good trait
Commit to doing things to overcome your shyness. Keep your commitments.
Repair a bad trait with a good trait
Pride and the pursuit of honors: use this verse to become a positive contributor to society. If you think you are a valuable person, let others see it!
Stinginess: set a fine of a certain amount each time you make a mistake.
Laziness: commit to recite several Psalms each time you make a mistake.
Method of the Chazon Ish
• If you have difficulties in this area, choose another middah to work on, its influence will also affect shyness.
• Ask Hashem to help you transform your tendency towards anger or any other negative middah.
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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