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Mother, Wife, Homemaker...Heaven Help Us!

Published on Wednesday March 31th, 2021

Woman, mother, wife and homemaker, all in one. Let’s not kid ourselves, the energy to fulfill all these roles simultaneously does not appear by magic. It comes from heaven. We are used to saying that each new baby increases our Kochot (strength). Of course, this defies logic! Love increases, while time decreases, what a paradox!

So let's start from the beginning. As young girls, we flourish little by little thanks to our parents’ Chinuch, preparing us to become future Kallot, when the time is ripe. Just like a bud about to come out...

Then, after the wedding, our position evolves from a young woman to wife. We strive to be as perfect as possible and to meet the needs and cravings of our new husband. What tools do we need at this stage? It depends on how well prepared we came to the Chuppah. The new bride’s goal is to satisfy and make her other half happy and provide their new home with harmony and light.

Then, come the babies! The work and patience required to meet this task are taxing. We need strength. What tools do we need? A relaxed atmosphere, a reasonably spacious home, and above all, an excellent organization.

The cup can overflow so easily ... A family becomes either a woman’s strength or a great source of tension. It all depends on her approach to life. We can definitely say that the most exciting job in the world is motherhood, being a Wonder Woman!

And who do we get support from in this multifunctional task? Nobody else but our husbands. After all, depending on our perspective, they are the ones for whom and because of whom it all began...

There is a story that is good to keep in mind whenever we feel everything is going wrong and we are losing control.

A child walks on the beach, crisscrossing the sand, leaving regular footprints behind him. His father, walking by his side, hand in hand, also leaves footprints in the sand, parallel to the child. The father accompanies the child on his journey, making sure to keep him on a safe path.

The child is wholly aware of his dad’s protection and direction. He observes his father’s footprints in the sand next to his.

However, at some point, the child realizes that his father’s footprints have disappeared. His father has abandoned him, alone on the path. Terribly frightened, the child asks:

"Where have you gone?" The tide is beginning to rise, why did you abandon me when I needed you the most?

The father’s answer is quick to come:

"At the exact spot where two sets of footprints became one when you thought I abandoned you, that's when I picked you up and started carrying you on my shoulders ... "

We are like this child. And Hashem, our daddy sometimes seems invisible and yet...He is so present.

Above all, we need His most precious help and presence. It is only Hashem, in His great goodness and through His miracles, who sustains every woman so she can be on top of things in her humanly unmanageable daily life chores...

Yes, miracles are the tool to succeed and the key to achieving the unachievable.

But to deserve miracles, to become a vessel of Hashem’s munificence, we need to develop Emuna. This is the engine that jump-starts a life of joy and serene satisfaction!

Yehi Ratzon, that Hashem never leaves our side and that the Shechina reside permanently in our home, Amen!

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