Head Covering for a Woman: Impossible Task?
"But you're already doing all the mitzvot, how hard is it for you to cover your head?" As he spoke, she looked at him with a pained smile: "You men will never understand..."
They did not do Teshuvah overnight. It was a gradual process, with each day being an opportunity to grow even more. Although they did not both advance at the same pace in their discovery of Judaism, this did not bother him, at least not at first.
It was only when they placed the children in a religious school that things became complicated. He then asked her to take the step - to cover her head. But to his astonishment, she refused.
"Understand me, I'm a woman and it's difficult," she tried to explain. ''It's not that I do not want to, it's just that it's hard for me. When you started keeping Shabbat, I followed you. When you wanted to kasher the kitchen, I followed you. The mitzvot related to a Jewish couple, I took them upon myself with joy. As for the children, although I was worried what others would think, I accepted that they should be enrolled in religious school because I knew it was the best thing for them. But to cover my head, I cannot do it. Understand me..." she begged.
But he did not understand. "No, frankly, I do not understand you. You have already made good progress, you are a practicing woman in all areas, and just at this level you are blocked? To keep Shabbat and to give up going shopping on that day, you managed well! That is more difficult than putting a scarf on your head... ". As he continued to speak, she looked at him with a smirk, and she said, "You men will never understand...".
When he saw that his efforts of persuasion were ineffective, he decided to consult his Rav about the situation. The latter redirected him to Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach z”l, so that he could present his problem to the Gadol.
The Rav received him with his customary smile and warmth. He made him sit down and the man began to explain to the Rav the reason for his visit. "My wife and I have been married for twenty years. We started to strengthen ourselves in Judaism eight years ago'', he said. ''Thank G-d, things have gone well: we eat strictly Kosher, we scrupulously keep Shabbat, my sons and I learn Torah, etc.'' He paused. "The only problem is that my wife stubbornly refuses to cover her head. She claims that she wants to, but that she cannot get there yet. She says that it is too difficult for her and that she is convinced that G-d will forgive her. I am ashamed to invite people to our home, and my sons do not want their friends to see their mother's hair uncovered. I do not understand her stubbornness, while she accomplishes all the other Mitzvot without difficulty ... ", he finished, visibly discouraged ...
The Rav put his hand on his hand, and with the other he patted him warmly on the shoulder. "My son, do you know how difficult it is for a woman to cover her head?" He asked seriously. ''You are a man and not a woman, that's why you have trouble understanding. Know, my dear friend, that the most difficult thing for a woman is to cover her head. A woman's hair is part of her, it is an integral part of her personality. Understand: if you were asked to slash your cheek with a cutter, how would you react? Even if you were asked to do it out of love for G-d, would it not be a bit difficult? "
"But it's a Torah commandment like any other! She cannot simply not do it," he protested. "Right," answered the Rav. ''I also know that it is a mitzvah of the Torah. But understand that for a woman who is not used to it, it's an extremely hard step, "he continued.
"But Rav ... And the children ...?'' He tried one last time. "You're right," he answered again. ''But know that nothing is more difficult for a woman than to cover her head," replied the Rav. This discussion lasted a few more minutes, during which the man was trying to "convince" the Rav of the importance of this mitzvah and the Rav persisted in siding with the man's wife...
Finally, the man parted from Rav Auerbach amiably, but somewhat helpless. How was he going to manage this situation without jeopardizing the peace in his marriage? The question left him no respite.
On his return home, he found his wife as usual: busy preparing dinner for the children and, you guessed it, her head uncovered. She left the children in the kitchen and settled in the living room with him. "So, what did the Rav you consulted say? she asked, curious to know more. "Give it up," he said in a disillusioned tone. "But tell me, what did he advise you? Does he wish to speak to me?'' She tried. "No, no ..." he grumbled. " So?'' She asked again. "Hmm ..." he hesitated. '''He said ... He said I could never understand you. That a woman's hair is part of her personality. That to cover your head for a woman is the most difficult thing. That's about what he said," he hastened to finish before shutting himself up in almost complete silence.
Suddenly, she felt a broad smile light up her face. She looked at him silently, before declaring, "It's interesting. At least someone understands me ... He's a great Rav?'' She asked, still with a smile. "He could not be greater," he replied, deep in thought. "But why is she smiling?'' He wondered.
He was far from imagining the surprise that awaited him the next day when he returned from the synagogue. As he set his Tallit and Tefillin on the front table and was about to have breakfast in the kitchen, he saw his wife in the hallway, standing in front of the mirror, a scarf on her head ... ''How do I look?'' She asked, facing the incredulous expression of her husband. He was so surprised, he remained speechless. His wife was so beautiful.
"I confirm, he could not be greater, your Rav ...", she said with a smile.
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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