Avital's testimony: A Kosher Shopping Experience
Whenever Avital goes shopping, she never has much luck! Most of the time it turns out that the clothes she buys are not as comfortable as she thought they would be, and all her purchases give her unpleasant surprises. Last week she came home after having bought herself a pair of shoes, but it didn’t take long for her to realise that she had miscalculated the width of the shoe's sole…really had her misfortune no end ?!
Avital asked her husband for advice, and he recommended that she proceed each shopping expedition with a prayer. “ The power of prayer for anything is extremely powerful, and it will surely bring you the divine help that you seek. Next time you go shopping, don’t forget to pray.” Shortly thereafter, Avital has to buy a new outfit. This time Avital does not leave for her shopping spree as usual, but she first sits herself down on the couch, Sefer Tehillim in hand and recites some tehillim. She prays from the depth of her heart to be granted siyata dishmayah (divine assistance), and she leaves the house.
Avital arrives at the shop and begins her search for her perfect outfit. It takes all but five minutes to find an outfit that fits her to perfection. Avital loves the outfit, and her joy only increases when she sees the outfit's reduced price. Really, what a wonderful piece of advice my husband gave me, Avital muses, I should have asked him earlier!
True, the sleeves are a bit short, but Avital is not always so particular about tznius. Avital imagines that she can always pull down the sleeves a bit when in public. Unfortunately, Avital struggles to overcome her evil inclination…
But suddenly Avital 'wakes up'. No, I asked Hashem to help me find an outfit that I like, so I will also choose an outfit that will please Him, Avital thinks to herself. A voice inside her tries to convince her to buy the outfit. ''Come on, you are not usually so particular, look at this beautiful outfit that fits you like a glove. You have so many clothes with sleeves exactly like that. You can always pull them down if you need to, or you can wear something on top. Look at the price, it's clear that Hashem heard your prayer…''
But Avital doesn’t give in. She knows that these arguments are those of the yetzer hora. Each detail of tznius adds tremendously to the nobility of a Jewish Princess. She also knows that true tznius won't stop her from finding another beautiful outfit, and that money must not be a factor; money exists only to help in fulfilling our mission. In addition, each year Hashem decides precisely how much a person will earn and how much he will spend. When a person uses money for tzedakah, Torah, and mitzvos, then he receives more than was originally allocated for him (or he has less expenses). All in all, Avital is convinced of her responsibility and of the greatness of the reward that she will get if she overcomes her yetzer hora.
As soon as Avital returned the outfit to its place, the saleswoman approached her and offered her assistance. 'Try on this outfit, it looks as though it will fit you'. The price of this outfit is even lower than the previous one, and Avital is delighted as this outfit conforms to the beautiful mitzva of tznius.
''Thank you Hashem for having helped me find this outfit and most important thank you for having helped me to overcome my yetzer hora'. Avital returns home full of happiness and nobility of a bas yisroel.
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Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 21th, 2025 at 18:51 *Shabbat ends at 19:52 *
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