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A Woman of Valor - Who Can Find

Published on Wednesday December 30th, 2020

The woman of valor described by King Solomon (Proverbs chapter 31) seems utopian indeed.

This quintessential woman rises at the crack of dawn to shoulder her household's responsibilities and ensure the smooth running of her home; she does not afford herself a single moment of respite. She works for her loved ones' well-being while also providing for the needs of the less fortunate.  She is put on a pedestal for her kindness, resourcefulness and enthusiasm. She is a person who can always be counted upon; she exudes serenity and her words of wisdom are expressed compassionately. What a dream!

For most of us, this ideal is far remote from everyday reality. Being able to keep a smile on our faces and serenely confront housework, a job, shopping, children, and husband seems like a feat reserved for women with superhuman strength!

For a mere mortal, such a weight of responsibility generally leads to undesirable side effects, such as stress, a foul mood and even anger. A woman may then step into a vicious circle, because, faced with her imperfections, she may feel devalued (in her own eyes and often in the eyes of her close friends and relatives). This does nothing to restore her serenity, quite the contrary!

To understand how it is nevertheless possible to harmoniously reconcile a busy life with an attitude worthy of the most exemplary Jewish woman, here is a little Hasidic story:

A man painstakingly walks on a road, carrying a heavy load on his shoulders. Suddenly, a coach stops by. The coachman takes pity on the poor man bent under the weight of his burden and offers him a ride.  The man readily accepts and climbs on the vehicle. During the trip, the coachman observes that his passenger, rather than unburdening himself, continues to carry the load on his shoulders. Surprised, he questions his traveler who answers that he wants to avoid overburdening the horses with the additional weight of his burden!

This story may make us smile. However, it accurately describes our own attitude in certain life situations. Just as this traveler believes he is carrying a heavy burden on his own and avoids unburdening himself, many of us believe we are totally alone in facing the burdens incumbent upon us. We believe we are carrying our burdens single handedly, because we tend to forget that we are the children of the Almighty who rules and leads the world!

If, in the face of every task that we are called to perform, we make an extra effort to remember that we are led by the Almighty, that the result of our endeavors depends on Him, we will feel unburdened and feel much more light-heartened, and unworried, in the knowledge and certainty that all of God's movements in this world are intended for our ultimate good. Curiously, after relieving ourselves of the weight of our stress and worries by trusting God, we may discover that the weight of our daily responsibilities has been lightened to the point of becoming practically a trifle.

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