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Shabbat Calendar 2024/2025 (5785)

Shabbat Calendar 2024/2025 (5785) in New York

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Parsha Date Start End
PekudeiFri. 28th March 202518:5819:59
VayikraFri. 4th April 202519:0620:07
TzavFri. 11th April 202519:1320:15
Fri. 18th April 202519:2020:23
SheminiFri. 25th April 202519:2820:32
Tazria - MetzoraFri. 2nd May 202519:3520:40
Acharei Mot - KedoshimFri. 9th May 202519:4220:48
EmorFri. 16th May 202519:4920:56
Behar - BechukotaiFri. 23th May 202519:5621:04
BamidbarFri. 30th May 202520:0121:10
NasoFri. 6th June 202520:0621:16
BehaalotechaFri. 13th June 202520:1021:20
Shlach LechaFri. 20th June 202520:1221:22
KorachFri. 27th June 202520:1321:22
ChukatFri. 4th July 202520:1221:20
BalakFri. 11th July 202520:0921:17
PinchasFri. 18th July 202520:0521:12
Matot - MaseiFri. 25th July 202520:0021:05
DevarimFri. 1st August 202519:5320:56
Va'etchananFri. 8th August 202519:4420:47
EikevFri. 15th August 202519:3520:36
Re'ehFri. 22th August 202519:2520:25
ShoftimFri. 29th August 202519:1420:13
Ki TeitzeiFri. 5th September 202519:0320:01
Ki TavoFri. 12th September 202518:5119:49
NitzavimFri. 19th September 202518:3919:37

See Shabbat Calendar for 5786 Account

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Friday March 28th, 2025 at 18:58 *
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