Jewish Holidays 2025/2026 (5786)
Jewish Holidays 2025/2026 (5786) - New York
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Holiday | Date | Start | End |
Rosh Hashanah (First day) | Mon. 22th September in the evening | 18:34 | 19:32 |
Rosh Hashanah (Second day) | Tue. 23th September in the evening | 19:32 | 19:30 |
Fast of Gedaliah | Thu. 25th September | 05:26 | 19:21 |
Yom Kippur | Wed. 1st October in the evening | 18:19 | 19:17 |
Sukkot | Mon. 6th October in the evening | 18:11 | 19:09 |
Sukkot (2nd day) | Tue. 7th October in the evening | 19:09 | 19:07 |
Hoshana Rabbah | Sun. 12th October in the evening | ||
Shmini Atzeret | Mon. 13th October in the evening | 18:00 | 18:58 |
Simchas Torah | Tue. 14th October in the evening | 18:58 | 18:57 |
Chanuka (1st day) | Sun. 14th December in the evening | 17:07 | |
Chanuka (2nd day) | Mon. 15th December in the evening | 17:07 | |
Chanuka (3rd day) | Tue. 16th December in the evening | 17:08 | |
Chanuka (4th day) | Wed. 17th December in the evening | 17:08 | |
Chanuka (5th day) | Thu. 18th December in the evening | 17:08 | |
Chanuka (6th day) | Fri. 19th December in the evening | 15:34 | |
Chanuka (7th day) | Sat. 20th December in the evening | 17:17 | |
Chanuka (8th day) | Sun. 21th December in the evening | 17:10 | |
Fast of the 10th of Tevet | Tue. 30th December | 05:52 | 17:15 |
Tu BiShvat | Sun. 1st February in the evening | ||
Fast of Esther | Mon. 2nd March | 05:08 | 18:22 |
Purim | Mon. 2nd March in the evening | ||
Pesach | Wed. 1st April in the evening | 19:02 | 20:04 |
Pesach (2nd day) | Thu. 2nd April in the evening | 20:04 | 20:05 |
Chol Hamoed Pesach | Fri. 3th April in the evening | ||
Chol Hamoed Pesach | Sat. 4th April in the evening | ||
Chol Hamoed Pesach | Sun. 5th April in the evening | ||
Chol Hamoed Pesach | Mon. 6th April in the evening | ||
Pesach (7th day) | Tue. 7th April in the evening | 19:09 | 20:10 |
Pesach (8th day) | Wed. 8th April in the evening | 20:10 | 20:12 |
Pesach Sheni | Thu. 30th April in the evening | ||
Lag BaOmer | Mon. 4th May in the evening | ||
Omer Countdown | Wed. 20th May in the evening | ||
Shavuot Eve | Thu. 21th May in the evening | 19:54 | 21:01 |
Shavuot (2nd day) | Fri. 22th May in the evening | 19:54 | 21:02 |
Fast of the 17th of Tammuz | Thu. 2nd July | 03:41 | 21:12 |
Fast of the 9th of Av | Wed. 22th July in the evening | 20:20 | 20:59 |
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Weekly Parsha
Ki Tisa
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *
Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community
Candle Lighting - New York
Friday March 14th, 2025 at 18:44 *Shabbat ends at 19:44 *
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* Times given as an indication, check the times of your community